19 Reasons to Attend the 2019 Stakeholders Summit

2019 April 10

  1. Take A Seat At The Table – This year’s theme is about bringing everyone – farmers, ranchers, industry stakeholders and food industry leaders – to the table to connect. To engage with each other. To hear from and be heard.
  2. Network with the largest Summit audience yet – Registration is on track to make the 2019 Summit the largest yet, which will provide excellent networking opportunities across all sectors of animal ag.
  3. Sit in on a consumer focus group – Gain insights on consumers’ attitudes, habits and motivations surrounding meat, poultry, milk and egg purchases.
  4. Get tools to protect your business – AFIMAC, a security firm, will share how to mitigate risks posed by activist activity.
  5. 100% of last year’s attendees said Summit was a worthwhile investment of their time and financial resources – And virtually all attendees rated the Summit as very good or great.
  6. Hear from restaurant, retail and foodservice leaders – A panel from of brand leaders will share food chain perspectives.
  7. Learn about a new animal health certification program – Don Ritter, DVM, a 33-year poultry industry veteran will introduce attendees to the One Health Certified program.
  8. Experience a newcomer’s perspective on marketing in the animal protein industry – Bill Gutrich recently joined the animal agriculture world and has found himself surprised at some of the ways that animal proteins have been and are being marketed.
  9. Meet people across all sectors of animal ag – Meet professionals in every sector of agriculture, from aquaculture to dairy, and from the feed industry to restaurant and retail. The Summit is the premier event connecting industry stakeholders across all sectors of agriculture!
  10. Have a chat with dietitians – Registered Dietitians Kim Kirchherr and Leah McGrath will address the differences between what people say they want and what they actually buy.
  11. Get ahead by learning about hot issues – Experts will discuss gene editing, alternative proteins, and blockchain. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about what impacts each subject may have on their business.
  12. Meet the Alliance staff – Meet the small, but mighty team at the Alliance and learn how they could help you!
  13. Learn from a seasoned animal law attorney – Michelle Pardo has decades of experience in handling high stakes litigation and public relations battles against animal activist groups. She will share proactive steps that may be taken to avoid litigation issues and best practices when litigating with these groups.
  14. Hear examples of effective influencer engagement – A panel of experts will share personal experiences, tips and lessons learned from influencer farm tours and other tactics that can help attendees plan their own influencer engagement
  15. Discuss industry-led supply chain animal welfare and sustainability efforts– A panel of beef industry experts will share how all the stops along the beef supply chain work together on animal welfare and sustainability efforts.
  16. Connect with allies – Finding and engaging potential allies – even nontraditional ones – is essential to sharing positive information and correcting misconceptions.
  17. Meet our new Chairperson of the Board – The American Feed Industry Association’s Sarah Novak, Animal Agriculture Alliance’s next Chairperson of the Board, will provide the closing remarks.
  18. Learn what the Animal Ag Alliance does – Become familiar with the Animal Ag Alliance and all we do to connect industry stakeholders, engage with key influencers and protect the agriculture industry.
  19. Protect your livelihood – North Carolina Pork Council’s Andy Curliss will provide a deep and broad look at how significant coordinated advocacy is threatening animal agriculture, including a case study of the recent nuisance lawsuit verdicts in North Carolina. He will offer an unprecedented look at the ongoing attacks against the industry and provide attendees with insights on how to protect their livelihood.

Go to Summit.AnimalAgAlliance.org for more details and to register. Early bird registration discounts are available until April 12th.


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